Course |
Comments |
Flyboy Aviation Carrollton, GA |
It's simply the most beautiful property in all of disc golf. The fairways are manicured like Augusta National Golf Course and the water that comes into play offers some of the most breathtaking shots in the world. |
Maple Hill Leicester, MA |
This course is simply stunning. The beauty in the design of this course and the combination of elevation, water, and Christmas trees make this course simply one of the best in the world. If it wasn't for Flyboy this would be my favorite course. |
Nockamixon State Park Quakertown, PA |
This is one of the most challenging courses I have ever played and also one of the most scenically beautiful. The mix of par 3's, par 4's and par 5's offers some nice variety and the foliage is simply stunning. The course is a hidden gem in the Allentown area. |
Highbridge Hills Gold Highbridge, WI |
The courses are Highbridge are some of my favorite courses in the world, and this one is the best of them all. Highbridge Gold is one of the longest and most grueling courses in the world. I wouldn't call it the most fun course in the world, but sometimes disc golf is fun when its just plain hard. The course is carved out of an old golf course and its located in a National Forest. Hole 8 is 1426 feet, so that's cool as well! |
Northwood Park Morton, IL |
This course is my baby and my home course. This course offers an amazing variety of shots, from a few long par 4's to some of the most challenging par 3's you will find. Hole 5 is the famous island green hole and it doesn't disappoint! |
In The Disc Golf Bag: Drivers |
Disc |
Comments |
ESP Nuke (170 - 174)
This is my go to driver and the disc that I throw on any hole that requires me to throw at least 400 feet. I usually carry 3 ESP Nukes in my bag at any point in time. I usually try to carry a brand new ESP Nuke that I can throw into the wind and then I carry an ESP Nuke that I can throw on a hyzer flip."
I do occasionally use the ESP Nuke for forehand shots but most of the time I stick to backhand. The Nuke is the farthest disc in my bag and I can max out my distance at about 435 feet. Its extremely consistent and most importantly I love how it feels in my hand.
X Force (170 - 174)
I rely on the X Force for forehand shots. I can essentially throw the Force as hard as I possibly can with my forehand I know that it will always come back. Its the most overstable driver in my bag and I use it exclusively for forehand shots.
I can throw this disc forehand about 350 feet and I like to keep the disc as low as possible to avoid any wind issues and to generate a large skip. I love how the disc flies in the wind.
Ti Flick (170 - 174) |
I use the Flick for forehands and some backhand shots. I try to rely on very overstable discs for my forehand and use the Flick for shots under 350 feet. I also use this disc for shots which need a massive skip.
Z Mantis (173 - 174)
The Mantis is my favorite fairway driver. I can throw this disc 375 feet but am comfortable with this disc between 325 and 350 feet. I use this disc for any turnover shot in the woods.
The Mantis is stable to understable for me, but I like to let the disc do the work. I usually throw this disc flat or on a slight hyzer. I love throwing this disc on a hyzer with speed and watching it hyzer flip.
ESP Crank (173 - 174) |
I use this disc exclusively for rollers. I don't throw it in any other situation. The first run Cranks are much more understable than the newer Cranks so this disc really serves me well for rollers. I can throw a good roller between 400 and 450 feet. I will occasionally use this disc for massive anhyzers when I need the disc to turn over right away.
Z Stalker (170 - 174) |
This is my go to fairway driver. With my max weight Z Stalker I can put some power into the shot and still have it fly very straight with a slight finish to the left. I can comfortably throw the Stalker 350 feet and when thrown with high speeds I find my Stalker holding the line. I also like the Stalker because it doesn't skip too much at the end of its flight."
ESP Pulse (173 - 174) |
The ESP Pulse has become my go to sidearm disc for shots under 350 feet. I rely on this discs as a slightly less stable disc than my Flick. It also is a little easier to control and has less skip, so it serves me very well with most of my sidearm shots. I also will occasionally use this disc for some overstable backhand shots. I love the feel of the Pulse in my hand.
ESP Surge (170 - 174) |
I generally throw the Surge on shots between 350 and 400 feet when I want to have a little more control. While I generally favor the Nuke, I find I can control the Surge a little more as its a little more stable for me. I can either throw the Surge on a flat line and let it hyzer at the end or I can throw the surge on a little anhyzer and let it flex. My preferred shot with the surge is a 375 foot hyzer that has a higher flight so I avoid too much of a skip.
In The Disc Golf Bag: Midrange |
Disc |
Comments |
Z Buzzz (178 gm) |
There's not much more I can say about the best disc in the world. I rely on my Buzzz a lot. I use the Buzzz for shots between 275 and 325. I can throw the Buzzz further than that but I prefer to keep control on the shot and work within that distance.
When thrown with some power, my Z Buzzz will hold the line the entire flight path without turning one way or the other. I carry at least 2 in my bag at all times. Usually one is a beefier Buzzz and one is a little more beat in. I will occasionally use the Buzzz for some sidearm shots. I usually will throw it the Buzzz on a hyzer flip for any sidearm shots so the disc will flatten out. This is usually when I need to work a tight angle in the woods or if I am trying to land on a hill at a certain angle.
Z Buzzz OS (176 - 178) |
The Buzzz OS is actually my favorite midrange disc. I generally prefer overstable discs and I love the consistency of the Buzzz OS. I love throwing this disc sidearm for shots around 250 feet because I can throw it as hard as I want and it will generally keep a very flat line until the end of the flight, when it hyzers out. I also will use the Buzzz OS for some approach shots under 300 feet with my backhand. This disc is amazing in the wind!
ESP Meteor (max wt) |
The ESP Meteor is one of my favorite discs in my bag because of how it flies when thrown correctly. I love throwing this disc on a hyzer and watching it flip up. Throwing a hyzer-flip is one of the trickier shots in the game, but the Meteor is one of the best discs for doing so. The Meteor is a great disc for the woods when you need to throw the disc on a tight line or have it work an angle that wouldn't seem possible."
In The Disc Golf Bag: Putt and Approach |
Disc |
Comments |
X Soft Focus (173 - 174) |
The Soft Focus is my go to putter for putting. I love how straight it flies and love how soft it is in the chains. I generally like to putt very flat and don't want much movement in the disc and I find that the Soft Focus is really good for my style. I also really like the Focus for jump putting as it really keeps a straight line."
Z FLX Zone (173 - 174) |
The Zone is my most used disc in the bag. I throw this disc backhand and forehand for any shot under 250 feet. I love throwing the Zone on a very hard anhyzer and watching the disc come back to the left. The Zone is the most consistent disc I have ever thrown and its my go to approach disc and is the only putter I use off of the tee.
Because of how stable this disc is I can throw it as hard as I want on an anhyzer and it will still come back. I can also throw it flat and hard and it will always hyzer to the left. Its my go to approach disc with my sidearm as well, as I can generally throw it with anhyzer and have it flatten out.